"People say what they want regardless, so embrace your curls and take pride in it."

As a result of being bullied for her curl type and frizz, Shruti would cry herself to sleep as part of her night time routine. Now? She's proud of her curls and has learnt so much along the way - let's take a look at how she persevered.

Meet Shruti from Melbourne, Australia! As a teenager Shruti encountered bullying because of her curl type and crying herself to sleep over her gorgeous locks seemed the only sense of relief; of course with the addition of adding heat to straighten her natural curls. Want to get inspired? Shruti's journey is a beautiful one. She finds self-love and self-acceptance again and in the meantime, she educates herself on the science of hair. We are so, so proud of you Shruti. 

The Journey

What inspired you to return natural?

My name’s Shruti and am from Melbourne, Australia. During the lockdown I was motivated to focus on self-care and this time I wanted to focus on getting my hair better. As a teenager I was always told that my hair looked like a birds nest and there were times when I cried myself to sleep wondering why I was given such hair so I started straightening my hair and ended up damaging it.

But this time I was determined to improve my hair health and to my surprise I could revive my childhood curls. In my initial days of my curl journey I had set for myself some short term and long term goals and recorded my progress. Any time I felt disappointed of not moving ahead in my journey, I looked back at my recorded progress pictures and that gave me some motivation to keep going.

I’d be lying if I say I didn’t have any low days but somehow I kept moving ahead, did more research on how to maintain a healthy scalp and curls and that helped me reach where I’m today. I couldn’t be more proud of myself and if given a chance I would tell my younger version that let people talk what they feel like you embrace your curls and take pride in it.

What were the challenges (if any) along the way of your healthy hair journey?

As a teenager I was bullied a lot for my frizz, wavy curly hair patterns and so on. When I started embracing my curls, the most challenging part was to understand what hair porosity and texture was and once that hurdle was crossed, the next challenging part was which products would suit my hair type, then came the concept of understanding what is protein-moisture balance and the challenges of maintaining healthy scalp and curls during different seasons.

What is your number 1 curl tip?

Don’t be disappointed by a bad wash day because you will always have next washday to fix it. It is inevitable to escape a bad way during curl transformation and my this attitude was the reason I always encouraged myself to keep going.

Discovering Flora & Curl

What made you buy Flora & Curl products? How did you hear about us?

I came across this brand when doing my research to try new products. The first rule I follow when buying any product is to check its ingredient list and this was the main reason why I love buying products from Flora & Curl because of their use of natural ingredients.

How did you see your hair change after using Flora & Curl products?

Using Flora & Curl products helps me easily maintain the protein-moisture balance. Hence, I recommend this to my followers too.

Which Flora & Curl product is your favourite and why?

I love the Rose Water Curl Mist and Citrus Superfruit Radiance Oil. The reason being the lovely natural ingredients list and the brand being very transparent about it. The Rose Water Curl Mist provides an extremely good level of moisture without overwhelming my fine texture hair. The Citrus Superfruit Radiance Oil is the best since my hair goal for this year is to maintain a good scalp health and to achieve waist length hair.

What is your current Flora & Curl haircare routine?

I use the Citrus Superfruit Radiance Oil as a my pre-poo treatment and Rose Water Curl Mist to seal the moisture in my hair which is retained for 5 days.

What sets Flora & Curl apart from other brands/products on the market?

Natural ingredients list and their genuineness towards their customer is something I adore about this brand.

It's such an emotional process returning natural. And it's so important that we highlight the highs and the lows of this journey. Thank you so much for trusting us to share your story Shruti. This is truly inspiring! We are so happy that you found your peace in returning natural! Follow Shruti's journey here.

Need an extra boost to consider returning natural? Click here to read more! Has Shruti's story inspired you to share yours with us? Please do, click here to submit your story!

Naturally Yours, 

The Team at Flora & Curl 

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